When I started milling, I slowly added to the list of things I could bake instead of buy…tortillas were more challenging than I had expected! I tried multiple recipes and I failed multiple times! The Grains In Small Places recipe is a winner for us! I was happy to find them quite easy to make. I wanted tortillas that stretch a bit, didn’t rip or break when rolled, and of course, taste great!

Kara’s recipe called for hard white and khorasan but if you only have hard white, I am pretty sure it would work just fine! Khorasan adds a nice flavor to things and I highly recommend adding it to your grain collection! Also, be sure to read through the whole recipe post if it’s your first time making tortillas. She uses some rest periods that are important. I have found that I need to make these ahead of time as it doesn’t work out too well to try to make them right at dinner time.
With this recipe, you can easily get away with not having a tortilla press. They don’t really flatten the dough enough anyways. So I just do a quick squash with it and then I roll it out thinner by hand. I also had success cooking these on an uncoated pan, you just need to make sure it’s properly preheated. One thing I have yet to test, is how well they freeze!