We have LOVED making lots and lots of pizza and experimenting with different recipes and cooking methods. We even have an Ooni gas-fired pizza oven but I just have to say, using a pizza stone in the oven is just as good (in my opinion)! I AM thinking about trying a pizza steel someday as I have been hearing that they make great replacements for the stones. But for now, we have fun on warm days using the Ooni outside and the rest of the year, we are just as happy using our electric oven!
I have tried a few recipes and I am still not getting that chewy texture I like but they are delicious nonetheless. If you are into sourdough crust, I would say Elly’s Everyday crust is the best and so easy! You’ll just need to make sure you prep many hours before dinner! The link is to her YouTube video which has the recipe in the description.

When we don’t have time for sourdough crust, we have found Grains In Small Places has a delicious recipe as well! She also talks about making it in advance and keeping it in the fridge or freezer until you need it! She uses hard white and khorasan wheat and it’s pretty tasty.

One thing that I thought would be fun about the Ooni is letting everyone have their own little personal pizza…and it is, but it takes a long time to bake them one at a time and usually there’s only one person working on that part! Then we are all eating at different times as well. I like using the stone or parchment paper in the oven and making a couple large pizzas so we can get them baked quickly and eat together!